amara gallery
AMARA GALLERY selected artworks from private collections and established artists. Painting, sculpture, printmaking, ceramic, multimedia and functional art.

The Crown Bar
The Crown Bar has been serving up cocktails to Fayette county since 2021. They deliver drinks with flair and panache set in a Bohemian atmosphere. The Crown will be providing great live entertainment while you drink and shop. Owners Beth Weishuhn her father Larry Weishuhn and Andy Johnson would love to you at the Spring 2023 Antique Show.

cisco home
For three decades, Cisco Home has been a Los Angeles-based haven for handcrafted ingenuity. Driven by our passion for elegant design, thoughtful sustainability, and community building, our family of designers, makers, and activists work side-by-side to create one-of-a-kind, eco-friendly pieces that transform your house into a home with your health in mind.

fabric merchant & co
My passion for Fabrics and Vintage Textiles inspire everything I do Creating Clothing, soft home furnishing, homes and stores. Traveling to discover and participate in handmade treasures is what connects me to everything. Born and raised to be a merchant, I have combined both together. I feel blessed to have a wonderful business doing what I love.

la tiendita coffee
Pop-Up Specialty Artisanal Coffee & Curated Gifts.

Lineage Botanica
Betsy Fields, founder of Lineage Botanica (LB) is on a mission. In her own words: “I have a passionate interest in becoming an advocate and facilitator for rural artisan women (and men) that need to have a greater sense of place, economic integrity, and a voice in diminishing marginalized communities. Lineage Botanica embodies a lifetime of broad experiences, knowledge and a desire to share with the world what lies hidden behind the veils of poverty and old world traditions. There is so much physical beauty, history, and cultural legacy sitting quietly, unseen and unheard. Some of these are of my own heritage and some will be yours. We are all interconnected.”

michael friedman photography
The Lost Negatives of Rock & Roll Legends, found 5 years later, 60’s music manager Michael Friedman’s photos of Janis Joplin, The Band, The Rolling Stones, Todd Rundgren & Kris Kristofferson recently exhibited a the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

preservation co
Family Business, Architectural Antiques, Specialty Doors, Reclaimed Wood, Custom Designs & Gifts.

From a history of interior design and importing antiques, we’re curating a collection of beautiful items for your home which will benefit humanity. We cofounded BlueCrate 23 years ago and are returning to Round Top in the spirit of new beginnings.

vivenda mx
Experience the rest of a Boutique Hotel in your own bed. “Rest Culture” bedding and bathwear.

Thirty years of painting has empowered me with a body of techniques and becoming the multidisciplinary artist I am today ; response to color and lyrical nature of each piece, layering and revealing detailed vignettes, reduction in editing, manipulating texture and form, negative and positive reaction, and line intention. Deconstructing the traditional figure, transitional and contemporary form, I am enamored with the boundaries of cohesion and tension, challenging how far a piece can be reduced and still be able to tell a story.